The use of Periscope as a communication tool for internet marketers seems to have taken off over the last few weeks. Some of the industry guru’s are using it as a lead generator and giving away free info on an almost daily basis. Of course, the intention will be to gain a huge gang of followers and sell them a training course of some description in the coming weeks or months.
You may not know that Periscope is owned by Twitter who bought it in February 2015. All your followers on Twitter can be added as contacts on Periscope so that when you start a live scope they receive a notification telling them you’re online now.
What is Periscope?
Periscope allows you to use your smart phone to broadcast live to your followers wherever you are. The app (which is available on iOS and Android) enables you to become your own “on the go” broadcasting station, streaming video and audio to any viewers who join your broadcast. The show is recorded and remains available on Periscope for 24 hours to watch as a replay.
I’ve picked up loads of amazing tips and tricks for how to use Periscope and attract more followers, keep them engaged, and go crazy for your scopes (broadcasts) which I will share on my next few posts.
Please feel free to share or leave a comment if you have any questions or have experience using Periscope.