One of the best ways to get your website visitors to sign up to your email list is by offering them something for free.  In order for them to complete the form the offer (or lead magnet) must be of sufficient value to peak their interest.  Here is a quick overview of Lead Magnets and what you should consider when designing your offer.

What is a Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is something you give your website visitors in exchange for joining your email list.  These are usually a free report or a discount, eg, 10% or 15% off.

Why use Lead Magnets?

Because they get results!  You can easily double your conversion rate by adding an incentive to sign up.  A really good lead magnet can get you 30%, 60% or DOUBLE the results.

What makes a good Lead Magnet?

A good lead magnet gets the attention of your visitors.  It should addresse their biggest fears, problems or challenges.  It should be useful, and tells them what they really want to know.

How to find out what your visitors want to know

1. Put yourself in their shoes : If you were looking for info, what would you really want to know?  Make a list of things that come to mind then delete everything off the list that is easy to find out, ie, easily found in the search engines.  You want to answer the questions or solve the problems people can’t find anywhere else to make your site unique, and will make your opt-in incentive irresistible.

2. Check out forums and blogs in your niche : Which articles or blog posts are most popular – see which conversations get the most activity.

3. Use social media : visit the major FB pages in your niche.  Don’t forget You Tube – which videos have the most views – pay attention to the questions people ask.

4. Research Amazon reviews : Reviews can tell you all sorts of information about why people bought a book or product.  Check out comments made about reviews

5. Survey your audience : Create a survey using Get Response to find out what your audience wants to know.  What’s your biggest frustration with your niche?  What’s the one thing about your niche you haven’t been able to find info about?


Please feel free to share or leave a comment below and let me know how you build your lead magnets.