It was my absolute pleasure to record this chat with Peter Beckenham recently. Thank you Peter.
Peter and I talk about creating a successful blog, where you can find content for your blog posts, why you should incorporate an auto-responder on your website and how people can find your content in the form of blog posts or videos online.
I started out with blogs, and initially found it very difficult to come up with ideas for content. I also found it a bit tedious, and quite hard to get onto the search engines.
Back in the day, that was stuffing as many keywords into an article to make it be noticeable, and absolutely terrible for a human to read.
There’s definitely a lot more to it than just writing an article, and dropping it onto your website.
These days I started back doing blog posts again. I find these days that the search engine algorithms are better at picking more natural content, and picking it up.
I am still looking for that one (or two, or three) ah-ha moments that will make this a lot easier for me to do. This video has given me some great ideas, so thanks for that.
I believe based on what I’m seeing currently, that getting noticed by demonstrating that you are an expert in a niche is important, writing content that is highly useful to people is also important. The difficulty when you’re starting out is to know what that is, so it’s a good idea to read a lot of other blogs and get ideas (as I am doing here!)
Keep up the great work!
Martin Platt.