Yesterday was the start of my very first solo ad campaign which was due to deliver 500 clicks.  After lots of tweaking with the solo ad provider my squeeze page was sorted, email sequence written, and everything was ready to go.

I received a message from the provider and was pleased to see 20 people sign up to my list from the initial 100 clicks, but on checking Get Response I noticed no emails were being sent out.
GR-LPSettingsAfter a brief chat with the great support guys from GR they pointed me towards a rather important check box on the Landing Page Settings … which wasn’t ticked!

This rather important setting ‘Add into the cycle on day:’ was surprisingly not enabled by default.  This particular setting determined whether or not an email was sent on opt-in. So, I ticked it and selected the Day0 email.


The next step was to review the Email Analytics to make sure the Day0 email actually was sent to the new subscribers.  This involved moving everyone to the Day0 list.  Disaster averted fortunately and first sale made.  Result !!